Digitalization of CAMU Management Tools by AKIENI, a Subsidiary of YAO CORP Group: Operational Enrollment Phase
Established by Law No. 12-2015 on August 31, 2015, the Universal Health Insurance Fund (CAMU) is the body responsible for managing the health insurance system in the Republic of Congo. Its primary purpose is to support policyholders throughout their lives by providing care regardless of their categories, resources, or situations.
The World Bank’s Digital Economy Assessment: Republic of Congo Digital Economy Assessment
An assessment of the Central African Republic’s (CAR) digital economy has been launched as part of the World Bank Group’s Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A) Initiative, which uses an integrated and foundations-based diagnostic framework to examine the present level of digital economy development across Africa. The assessment maps the current strengths and weaknesses that characterize the national digital economy ecosystem in CAR as well as identifies the challenges and opportunities for future growth.
IFAD Republic of the Congo Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2019 – 2024: Note to Executive Board representatives
The Republic of the Congo Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2019–2024 provides country context and rural sector agenda: key challenges and opportunities, IFAD engagement: lessons learned.
S&P Global Ratings: Congo-Brazzaville Upgraded To 'B-/B'On Improved Liquidity Conditions; Outlook Stable
The approval of the current IMF program's third review in July points to improving reform momentum in Congo-Brazzaville, which should help ease liquidity by facilitating additional support from official creditors.
This, alongside prospects for increased oil production volumes and a nascent recovery in the non-oil sector, should benefit the country's economy and liquidity conditions.
République du Congo: Ministère de l'Économie - PERSEPCTIVES DE L'ÉCONOMIE CONGOLAISE
Le présent rapport, qui est la mise à jour de l’édition de juillet 2022, prend en compte les changements survenus aux niveaux international et national, susceptibles de modifier les hypothèses de base qui sous-tendent les prévisions initiales réalisées par le Gouvernement à travers le comité de cadrage macroéconomique et budgétaire.
Republique du Congo Government Report: PLAN NATIONAL DE DEVELOPPEMENT
Following the presidential election on March 20, 2016, our country embarked decisively on the path to development that continues to this day. This journey is likely to continue for another decade to enable Congo to join the ranks of emerging countries. Perhaps an additional ten years will be needed to firmly anchor Congo in the sphere of development. This long journey requires a planning of actions, designed as a proactive process of defining objectives to be achieved over time, supported by relevant strategy definitions, substantial mobilization, and optimal resource allocation.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa: TRANSFORMATIVE INDUSTRIAL POLICY FOR AFRICA
Six of the world’s fastest growing countries in the past decade are African, with a similar economic prospect projected for the coming decade. However, African countries also figure in the 10 most unequal societies in the world.
Unicongo: Livre blanc d’Unicongo pistes de solution pour l’amélioration du climat des affaires et la relance économique
Depuis la chute du cours du baril de pétrole en 2014, le Congo subit une grave crise économique et sociale qui affecte gravement tout le secteur privé. Aucun domaine d’activité n’a été épargné, et la majorité des opérateurs économiques ont subi des baisses de chiffres d’affaires importantes. Ce
phénomène a entrainé de nombreuses disparitions d’entreprises, et la suppression de milliers d’emplois
La récession que la République du Congoa connue pendant sept ans a entraîné une chute spectaculaire du revenu par habitant et fait que le pays risque de retomber dans la catégorie des pays à faible revenu. Après une période de conflit dans les années 1990, le Congo* a réussi à obtenir d’importants gains en termes de revenu par habitant au début des années 2000. Cependant, l’activité économique du pays (historiquement dépendante du secteur pétrolier) passe par une contraction depuis 2015, année où le dernier supercycle des produits de base (vers 2002-2014) s’est terminé.
Africa in the New Trade Environment: Market Access in Troubled Times
Sub-Saharan Africa represents only a small share of global production and trade while hosting half of the extreme poor worldwide. To catch up with the rest of the world, the continent has no alternative: it must undertake reforms to scale up its supply capacity while better linking its production and trade to the global economy.
Atlantic Council - Reimagining Africa’s role in revitalizing the global economy
Due to its burgeoning and youthful population, abundant natural resources, and a strategic geographical location that can facilitate global trade, Africa can play a major role in—and should be front and center of—any renewed efforts for revitalizing the global economy.
African Development Bank - The Private Investment Environment in the Countries of the Economic Community of Central African States
This report is part of the regional study on the private investment environment in the countries of the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC). This study includes ten national reports, and a summary report that provides an overview of the findings across the region.